Locate a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
COVID-19 and Children
- Can I still see my child during lockdown if we don’t live in the same household?
- I am worried about the health risks of sending my child to contact with their other parent. How do I communicate that I wish to temporarily halt direct contact? (COVID-19)
- If I have a Contact Order but am not being permitted contact during the COVID-19 pandemic, what can I do?
- What if my child/someone in my household qualifies as high risk during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- My child did not receive their EMA payment as the school did not confirm their attendance; will they be entitled to a back payment?
- My child received EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) prior to school closures; will they still receive this?
- Will COVID-19 affect my child’s EMA payment being backdated to the start of term?
- Will my child’s EMA Bonus Payment be affected by COVID-19?
- Can my family use a foodbank if I lose my job because of COVID-19?
- How does Furlough work?
- My child has been furloughed; are they guaranteed their job back again after lockdown?
- My child has been furloughed. What does this mean?
- My child has lost their job because of COVID-19 can they get universal credit?
- My child has lost their job because of COVID-19 what are their rights?
- My child is an Apprentice, can they be furloughed?
- My child is on a zero hours contract; are they entitled to be furloughed?
- Where can my child get help about benefits if they can’t work because of COVID-19?
Special Educational Needs
- Are there time Limits for Special Educational Needs Appeals to the SENDIST?
- Can I appeal a decision of the SENDIST?
- Do I have to wait for a SENDIST hearing to resolve the issues?
- How are children's rights considered at the SENDIST?
- How do I lodge an Appeal with SENDIST?
- How is a decision reached by the SENDIST?
- How long does a SENDIST appeal take?
- In what circumstances can I make a special educational needs appeal to the SENDIST?
- What happens at a SENDIST hearing?
- What is the SENDIST?
- Can my child appeal their suspension?
- How long can a suspension last?
- I feel like my child has been unfairly suspended, what can I do?
- What is the maximum amount of days my child can be suspended for?
- What should my child do if they are suspended from school?
- Who can suspend my child from school?
- Will my child still have to do school while suspended?
- Will the school tell me that my child has been suspended?
- Can my child appeal against their expulsion?
- Can my child’s school expel them without any warning or alternative consequence?
- How long does my child have to make an appeal against their expulsion?
- I feel like my child has been unfairly expelled, what can I do?
- If my child makes an appeal can they attend the Tribunal?
- What happens when my school have decided to expel my child?
- What will happen before my child is expelled?
- What will the Expulsions Appeal Tribunal consider?
- Will my child need a solicitor for an expulsion Tribunal?
- How long does a Care Order last?
- Is a Care Order temporary or permanent?
- What is a Care Order?
- What is a Care Plan?
- What is a Guardian Ad Litem?
- What is a Supervision Order?
- What is an Adoption Order?
- What is an Assessment Order?
- What is an Education Supervision Order?
- What is an Emergency Protection Order?
- What is Voluntary Care?
- Who can make a Care Order?
- Who decides if a child needs to have a Care Order?
- What are the different types of placement?
- What is a children's home?
- What is Foster Care?
- What is Kinship Foster Care?
- What is suitable accommodation?
- Will a child be placed close to where they lived?
- Will a child be placed with their siblings?
- Will a child have any say in where they go?
- Will a child need to change School if they are placed in Trust accommodation?
What is Voluntary Care?
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Voluntary Care is when a child’s parent/s agree that Social Services should provide care and accommodation for the child.
A child who is the subject of a Care Order or is in Voluntary Care is referred to as a Looked After Child (LAC).
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