Can I take time off work for medical reasons or appointments?

Government guidance states that “there may be absences for medical reasons and other appointments associated with the transition process which should be recorded, but not used in relation to any absence management process i.e. they should be regarded as a short-term reasonable adjustment.”

Can I use the bathroom I feel most comfortable using at work?

Whilst it is not a legal requirement, employers are encouraged to support your choice in using the toilet facilities appropriate to your preferred gender in the workplace.

Gender Diversity Policy Guide for Employers:

“a trans person should be free to select the facilities appropriate to the gender in which they present. For example, when a trans person starts to live in their acquired gender role on a full-time basis they should be afforded the right to use the facilities appropriate to the acquired gender role. Employers should avoid discriminating against anyone with the protected characteristic of ‘gender reassignment’. Where employers already offer gender-neutral toilets and changing facilities, the risk of creating a barrier for transgender people is alleviated.”

Can I wear the uniform I attribute to my gender?

There is no law on this but guidance states it is good practice to allow enough flexibility in the dress code to accommodate the process of transition from one gender appearance to another. Where necessary, a new uniform should be fitted and ready well in advance of the change of gender role.

Flexibility must be extended to those who have a neutral gender expression in terms of dress and would not be comfortable in a strictly feminine or masculine mode of dress.

Can I ask my employer to recognise my self-identified gender at work?

Whilst current Government guidance does not require employers to recognise your self-identified gender, it recommends that employers should accommodate the needs of transgender people in the workplace as far as possible e.g. by:

  • providing access to preferred toilet facilities
  • allowing for personal choice within the dress code  

For more information see guidelines below