What is the maximum amount of days I can be suspended for?

You cannot be suspended from school for any more than 45 days in one school year.

How long can a suspension last?

If you are being suspended for the first time then this suspension can last no more than 5 school days.

After this, the Principal can suspend you for a longer period by getting the approval of the Board of Governors. If the Principal decides to extend your suspension they must again write to your parents/carers.

Who can suspend me from school?

You can only be suspended by the Principal or someone acting in the place of the Principal.

What should I do if I am suspended from school?

You should always ask your school to put you in touch with an Education Welfare Officer if you are suspended or excluded from school. The rules can be slightly different depending on what type of school you attend. Your local Education Authority will be able to advise you on this.

I feel like I have been unfairly suspended, what can I do?

Every school must have a written policy and procedures for suspensions. You or your parents/carers can ask to see these and you can go through them to see whether the procedure has been correctly followed.

If you think the procedure has not been correctly followed then you can make a complaint to the school and the Board of Governors.