What is a Guardian Ad Litem?

A Guardian Ad Litem is someone who is appointed by the Court to look after your rights and interests during cases where social services are seeking an order, such as a Care Order or in contested Adoption cases.

Is a Care Order temporary or permanent?

A Care Order lasts until you are 18. However, you can go to the court to ask for the judge to stop the order. Taking a child into care should normally be a temporary measure and should be stopped as soon as it is possible to do so.

Who decides if I need to have a Care Order?

A Court will decide if you need to be placed under a Care Order. If the Order is made then you will be put under the care of your local Health and Social Care Trust. The Health and Social Care Trust will then have Parental Responsibility for you.  They will decide what care is appropriate and will provide you with accommodation and care.

What is an Assessment Order?

An Assessment Order is an order of the court for an assessment of the state of your health or development or the way in which you have been treated to determine whether or not you are suffering or you are likely to suffer significant harm

What is an Education Supervision Order?

An Education Supervision Order is a Court Order which gives the Education Authority a supervision role in respect of your education. This type of Order is made when a court is convinced that you are not being properly educated.