
Blog: ‘Nothing About Us, Without Us’

23 March 2025

In our latest blog, VOYPIC Young Rep, Michelle Chapman, highlights her work representing Northern Ireland at the 28th Annual Conference of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children.

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Written by Michelle Chapman
VOYPIC Young Rep

I am a VOYPIC Young Rep and in September 2024 I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Helsinki, Finland, to represent Northern Ireland at the 28th Annual Conference of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC). The theme of the conference was the rights of children in alternative care, which is something important to me because I’ve grown up in care myself.

I was part of the European Network of Young Advisors (ENYA); a group of young people from across Europe who came together to make sure our voices and experiences were included in big conversations about care.

Preparing to Represent Northern Ireland

Before heading to Helsinki, I worked with NICCY and other young people with care experience, to talk about what’s working and what’s not in the care system in Northern Ireland. We discussed things like stability in placements, the importance of feeling listened to, the need for all adults who work with children and young people in care to be properly trained and supported, as well as the support needed when you leave care. It was important to me that I wasn’t just sharing my own views but also representing my friends and other care-experienced young people back home.

We travelled to Bratislava in July, with Laura from NICCY and Brenda from VOYPIC supporting us. Brandan (another VOYPIC Young Rep) and I shared our experiences of care in Northern Ireland and got to meet other Young Advisors from different countries, and learn about alternative care across Europe. It was eye-opening to hear that a lot of us faced the same issues, no matter where we were from.

One of the recommendations that I made at the Forum went on to be included in the final list of recommendations presented to ENOC.  This was “nothing about us, without us”.  This is something that is very important not only to me, but to the young people from Northern Ireland I was representing. 

I am a VOYPIC Young Rep and through this role I am lucky enough to have opportunities where I am part of ensuring that our voices are at the heart of decisions made about our lives.  VOYPIC stands for Voice of Young People in Care, and including young people’s voices is at the heart of everything VOYPIC does.  So many people at the conference wanted to know more about VOYPIC and the work it does, as they would love to have an organisation like VOYPIC in their country.  It made me realise that I’m lucky to have VOYPIC and all of the positive relationships I have made since I became involved with them a few years ago.

Taking the stage in Helsinki

Brenda, from VOYPIC, and I travelled to the ENOC conference in Helsinki with Laura from NICCY again, but we were also joined by Joanne from NICCY as well as Chris Quinn, the Children’s Commissioner for Northern Ireland.  I got on really well with everyone on the trip and loved the craic, even with all the cringey dad jokes, Christopher!

Walking into the conference was a bit overwhelming at first, but as soon as I saw our wee clan I felt more at ease. I knew they were here for me and I had worked with Brenda on preparing what I was going to say, so I felt ready for my role on the panel, and presenting my part of the presentation myself and the other Young Advisors prepared.

I presented part of the quiz, where we asked the audience- made up of ombudspersons, policymakers, and professionals who work with children in care- to stand up if they agreed with the statements we made.  A lot of people came up to me afterwards and complimented me on the quiz and how I brought my personality and humour into it, which really made it memorable for them and helped get our message across.

Learning and Looking Ahead

Being part of this conference made me realise how many people actually want to make things better for children and young people in alternative care. I also learned so much from hearing about care systems in other countries.

One of the biggest things I’ll take away from this experience is confidence. On our way home, Chris asked me what my takeaway was? I said that I realised I am capable of a lot more than I thought I was.

I’m so grateful to NICCY for the opportunity and to VOYPIC for supporting me on this journey, especially Brenda from VOYPIC, who traveled with me. Brenda grew up in care too, and having her there made a huge difference. She understood how I was feeling and reminded me that I deserved to be in that room, speaking up for myself and others.

Final Thoughts

Going to Helsinki was an experience I’ll never forget. It showed me that young people in care aren’t just statistics— we have real opinions, real experiences, and real solutions. We just need more people to listen.

It wasn’t all work either! I made some brilliant memories and had great craic on both trips with treasure hunts, sightseeing, swims in sea pools and my infamous napkin boats at our dinner with the Ombudspeople in Helsinki as well.

At the VOYPIC Care Day Awards, I was lucky enough to win the Community Champion award for my contribution to the care experienced community, for my role on the ENYA forum and at the ENOC conference.

I hope that the conversations we had at ENOC lead to real change, not just in Northern Ireland but across Europe. And I hope that more young people like me get the chance to speak up, because when we do, amazing things can happen.