Do schools have to support me if I tell teachers that I am transitioning/have transitioned?

Whilst there is no legal requirement for schools to accommodate the particular needs of trans pupils, the Education Authority have released guidance for schools on how they should support transgender pupils and they are encouraged to accommodate your needs as best they can.  Staff are expected to treat you with respect and to be non-judgmental.

The full guidance for Schools, EOTAS Centres and Youth Services on Supporting Transgender Young People can be found by clicking here.

Do I have to tell teachers in my school that I am transitioning/have transitioned?

You do not have to disclose to schools that you are transitioning but it may be in your best interests to do so.  If you have started to transition or have transitioned you may need to make them aware of your preferred name and gender and discuss with them which facilities you would prefer to use e.g. male or female toilets. 

Where possible, the school should try to accommodate your preferences. Any information you choose to disclose to the school about your transition should be treated as strictly confidential and will require your consent to be disclosed to others. All schools have received guidance from the Education Authority on how to support transgender pupils and to treat you respectfully. 

If you need further advice on how to inform your school that you are transitioning/have transitioned, contact Belfast Trans Resource Centre by clicking the link below.