What can I do if I don’t agree with the outcome of mediation decisions being made about contact arrangements?

If you are not happy with what is agreed through mediation and you still feel that you are not having enough time with a parent or a sibling, then you might have to consider asking a court to make a decision.

Will I get to have a say in decisions being made during mediation?

Your voice is of extreme importance to family mediators. In general, the needs and wishes of very young children are brought into the process by parents. If you are mature enough you may be able to speak directly with a mediator to let them know your wishes and feelings.

How does Family Mediation work?

A qualified and experienced ‘family mediator’ from an organisation like Family Mediation NI will help members of the family reach an agreement about things like contact with parents/siblings. When families can agree things themselves they usually work better for everyone.

What is Family Mediation?

Family Mediation is a process to help families reach agreement about issues that are causing difficulties, such as contact arrangements, so they don’t have to go to court. Family Mediation can only work if everybody agrees to take part in the process.