What support are children with special educational needs entitled to?

Children with special educational needs are entitled to special educational provision to meet their identified needs. This is additional help that is not generally available to all children at school.

For example, a child with dyslexia may access small group teaching in English and/or maths; a child with a visual impairment may receive handouts in larger print; a child with autism may require a classroom assistant; a child with communication difficulties may require speech and language therapy to enable them to learn.

My child had exceptional teaching arrangements, can they still access this during COVID-19?

The EA has made arrangements for remote access to teaching online, over the phone or via provision of learning packs for children who currently have exceptional teaching arrangements in place and have indicated that all families will be contacted by their local provider. Further information can be found here.

Can my child still access ETI Information and Resources during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Education and Training Inspectorate have collated a set of information and remote learning resources for children with SEN who attend special schools.  This information, which includes visuals aids, daily activities and information about useful websites can be accessed here

Are EA Pupil Support Services still available during the COVID-19 pandemic?

EA’s Pupil Support Services such as literacy support, ASD Support, Services for children who have hearing or visual impairments and Early Years support are available but may have adapted the way that services are provided.  A number of EA Services have a range of specific materials that you can use at home with your children, as well as contact details if you need to seek advice.  This information can be accessed here.