My child is on a zero hours contract; are they entitled to be furloughed?

If your child is on a zero hours contract and they are taxed through PAYE, then they should be entitled to be furloughed. Their 80% payment will be based on the higher of:

  • The amount they earned in the same month a year ago; OR
  • Their average earnings over the last 12 months if they have worked there for 12months. If they haven’t then it will be calculated using their average earnings over the amount of time they have worked for the company.

Your child will need to discuss furlough with their employer, or the relevant agency where applicable. If they are put on furlough, they won’t be able to do any work for their employer or on their behalf until the furlough ends.

How does Furlough work?

If your child has been on their employer’s payroll from 30th October 2020 then the government will pay their employer 80% of their salary, up to £2,500/month.

Your child’s employer can choose to top up their wage to the full 100% but they don’t have to.

Your child cannot do any work for their employer, or on their behalf, until furlough ends.

My child has been furloughed. What does this mean?

Furlough is basically a job retention scheme that means your child can still get paid 80% of their wages if their job has been affected by COVID-19. It essentially means their job is being put on standby until normality resumes and they can go back to work. If they are put on furlough, they won’t be able to do any work for their employer or on their behalf until furlough ends.

Where can my child get help about benefits if they can’t work because of COVID-19?

You can contact Advice NI for more detailed information and advice on how COVID-19 might affect your job or benefits. Contact details and advice are available through the Advice NI website.

My child has lost their job because of COVID-19 what are their rights?

If your child has lost their job or they are unable to do their work due to COVID-19, they can speak to their employer about being put on furlough. If this is not possible then they may be entitled to apply for universal credit.

Contact Advice NI for more information on this.