What is Foster Care?

Foster Care is when a Looked After Child (LAC) is placed in a home with professional Foster Carer’s and their family. Foster Placements can be emergency, short-term or long term.

The Foster Carer will receive an allowance for providing a home for the child. Foster placements can be with Foster Parents who receive an allowance from the Trust or Private Fostering Organisations.

What is a children’s home?

A Children’s Home provides residential accommodation for Looked After Children (LAC). It is staffed by Social Workers and should provide appropriate care and accommodation for the children living there.

What are the different types of placement?

There are several different types of placement:

Kinship foster care

Foster care

Private fostering

Children’s home

Suitable Accommodation

Will a child have any say in where they go?

Children are entitled to support so that they understand any care plans and decisions that affect them. They may be given an opportunity to speak in court, depending on their age and understanding of the case.

If the child does not want to go to court, their Guardian Ad Litem or solicitor can speak on their behalf.

Who decides if a child needs to have a Care Order?

A Court will decide if a child should be placed under a Care Order. If the Order is made the child will be put under the care of their local Health and Social Care Trust (HSC). The HSC Trust will then have Parental Responsibility for the child and must provide them with accommodation and care.