18 votes, 4.6 avg
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How well do you know your rights?

Take our quiz to find out!

1 / 10

What age can I get a job?


2 / 10

What age can I buy my own pet?

3 / 10

True or False -

I can get a tattoo at 16, if my parents/guardians say it's ok.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child say this age is too low!

4 / 10

What age can I be held criminally responsible?

5 / 10

True or False -

I have a right to get counselling in school.

6 / 10

What age can I open my own bank account?

7 / 10

What age can I choose my own doctor?

8 / 10

What age can I get married, if my parents/guardians say it's ok?

9 / 10

What age can I leave school?

10 / 10

What age can I get my own Instagram account?

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The average score is 54%


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