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What is a lateral flow test?

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A lateral flow test is a free and quick way of helping you find out if you have COVID-19. It helps to find cases in people who may have no symptoms but are still infectious and can give the virus to others.

The test involves taking a sample from your throat and nose, or from your nose only, using a swab. You should get a result in 15 to 30 minutes. All post-primary schools will receive lateral flow tests for pupils that want to take part in testing. If you are over 18, you can also order free tests online, or collect from your local pharmacy.

For further information on lateral flow testing, click here.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, including;

  • a high temperature;
  • a new, continuous cough; or
  • noticed a loss or change in your sense of smell

You must book a PCR test instead.

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